Youth Ministry 
SELC Youth Ministry’s purpose is to extend the unconditional love and grace of Jesus Christ to all youth and to invite them into a living relationship with the Savior.  To help youth learn and grow in the Word of God, to experience the gift of the Gospel, and to help them become living cells in the body of Christ that they in turn can extend to their peers and the world.   

Faith Stepping Stones 
“Children are the living messages we send to  a time we will not see.” – John Whitehead.  The Faith Stepping Stones Ministry program helps families fulfill promises made at baptism and to help support the home as the primary place for faith formation.  We celebrate milestone moments in the life of each child, such as Baptism, First Bible, First Communion, Confirmation, Driver’s License, High School Graduation and more.  This ministry helps to create a living partnership between the ministry of the congregation and the ministry of the home. 

Confirmation  (For Youth in Grades 6-8)
Confirmation is a time for people to confirm or affirm the promises made to them by God in their Baptism.  Classes are for youth in grades 6-8 (we usually confirm in fall of 9th Grade). We use music, skits, interactive “quiz bowls”, and games.   Youth study Luther’s Small Catechism, The Old Testament, and the New Testament.  Confirmation includes small groups, service projects, and mentoring.  

Senior High Learning in Faith Together (LIFT) (Youth in Grades 9-12)
During Bible and faith discussions we share highs and lows, seek to be relational and discuss a variety of topics such as current news events,  popular music, movies, and various thematic Bible studies. If you are interested in participating, need transportation or would like to hear more about our youth, family and/or cross generational ministries, please contact the office at (520) 459-0444.  

Sunday Faith Formation Education Classes for All Ages 
Opening takes place in the Fellowship Hall with songs and prayers, followed by classes held in various room according to age.  Classes are for ages 3 through grade 12.  For more information contact Cindy Wiste  (520) 259-0444


G.I.F.T. - Growing in Faith Together  - Cross Generational Ministries
A gathering of all generations under one roof where "the wonder of the child meets the wisdom of the elder." - Rich Melheim.  This is an EPIC (Experiential, Participatory, Image-Driven, Conversational) time where all share their faith together and how God's stories are becoming their stories.  We often take portions of what we have learned together during worship service for a special cross generational, interactive experience.  For more information please contact the church office at (520) 459-0444.

Tirosh is a Teen Movement patterned after the adult Via de Cristo, The content of the three days focuses on God’s grace, how to experience Jesus Christ as Friend, Savior and Lord, and how to respond to Christ’s call to discipleship.   For more information, contact Jim Cleven, Parish Rep - (520) 678-0414.

About Tirosch