Good Neighbor Alliance
We are currently looking for volunteer cooks to provide meals to shelter guests and unsheltered homeless neighbors. Evening meals are prepared each night by different individuals, churches, or service organizations. If you interested in volunteering to help cook, please contact Penny Crane (520) 459-0546

Peaches Pantry and St. Vincent DePaul Food Bank
If you would like to assist in delivering the church's weekly food donations, please contact Carl McCourt (520) 732-1422 

Body of Christ Ministries will be the leaders in the monthly hot meal program at Veterans Memorial Park and the November, December, and January hot meals served in our fellowship hall.  If you want to volunteer to donate or serve food during the monthly potluck meal, please contact  Jim Thompson (480) 650-6534

Salvation Army Meals
On the fourth Friday of each month, at 11:45 am, we support the Salvation Army by providing a hot meal.  If you are interested in helping to pick up and deliver food, please contact either Barb or Don Williams (520) 249-4878.